Take the worry out of routine pet care by registering your pet with our Lifetime Health Plan. This includes a free health check on registration and a saving of approximately 25% on all products and vaccines purchased during the lifetime of the plan.

Protect your pet against preventable diseases and discomfort by making sure that your pets’ vaccinations, flea, worm and parasite treatments are kept up to date.

Our free initial health assessment will ensure that we prescribe the medications most appropriate to your pet’s individual needs. Annual checks ups will allow us to diagnose any potential health issues early to enable your pet to enjoy a long, comfortable and happy life.


10% off Neutering


10% off Dental Scale & Polish


10% off Prescription Food

5% Off Vetsure Pet Insurance

  •  Annual Core Vaccinations (Including Kennel Cough for dogs, Feline Leukaemia for cats, when required)

  •  Annual Core Vaccinations for rabbits (Including Myxomatosis and VHD1, when required)
  •  Flea & Worming Treatments (As recommended by your vet)
  • Annual Fly Strike Treatment
  • Microchipping (or £10 discount per year on any diet if already microchipped)
  • Two Complimentary Nail Clippings (Per Year)
  • 10% off Prescription Food
  •  10% off Dental Scale and Polish
  • 10% off Neutering
  • 5% off Vetsure Pet Insurance

NOTE : Your Pet Health Plan will only be valid if you keep up with your payments in respect of such

Puppies and Dogs

Langport and Street Vets Health plan small dog

Small Dog
(under 10kg)

Langport and Street Vets Health plan medium dog

Medium Dog
(10kg – 20kg)

Langport and Street Vets Health plan Large dog

Large Dog
(20kg – 40kg)

Langport and Street Vets Health plan XL dog

XL Dogs
(over 40kg)

Langport and Street Vets Health plan cat and kittens

Kitten and Cats – £13*

Langport & Street Vets are trusted Vetsure Accredited Practices. This means that you pay a lower excess if you need to make a claim for veterinary treatment. You also only pay your excess once per unrelated condition! Choosing Vetsure makes the claims process even easier as we can guarantee direct claims with them – leaving you free to focus on your pet’s recovery.